17 May 2010

The last of kid's clothes week. I think.

I found these denim capris at Saver's the other day for $2. (I thought they were $1, but I can't remember what color is 1/2 off, so I paid the full $2). Anyway, they were a grown up size 13, but I don't care about that. What I cared about is cutting them down to V's size. So I did. They are a bit long for capris, but the girl grew 3 inches in the last 6 months. By the end of the summer, I reckon they'll be perfect. V has loved flamingoes since I stayed at the Flamingo in Vegas last May. Nothing like wholesome influences for child rearin', I always say.

Whew. Whaddaya think about V's new clothes? What should I sew next?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the photos of the beautiful girl, and your other fabulous fabric creations!! I appreciate your taste in clothes and shoes, Jen!

An aunt.

Emily, Scott, and August said...

my curtain hems.