30 April 2012


If we hadn't named the girlchild V, (and if I didn't already have a cousin named Zya), we may well have chosen the letter Z. Look at it: it just looks cool. All N turned sideways, alphabet ending, nothin' more to say Z. In honor of V's almost name, let's make the final entry in April's A to Z blogging challenge a special name edition.

Zillah is the final entry in Edward Gorey's "Ghashlycrumb Tinies" (spoiler alert!): she died because she drank too much gin.
Zuzu: one of the names I liked for V, this is, I'm sure you remember, from It's a Wonderful Life: Zuzu is George Bailey's daughter. She's the one who gives him the flower petals that he puts in his pocket.
Zsa Zsa: I'm not crazy about the Gabor sisters, but I love the name Zsa Zsa. It's sexy and playful and it's just plain awesome.
Zachhaeus: He was a wee little man. A wee little man was he. Any name that packs both a Z and 3 of the 5 vowels is a good name indeed.

Thank you all for reading and commenting this month! It's been fun, and I'm taking suggestions for further daily challenges/themes. Send your ideas toward me, won't you?

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Yay! You finished the A-Z challenge! I loved each and every post.