10 March 2011

A path to madness

First, impulsively purchase a watch at the thrift store for $1, knowing it doesn't work. Convince yourself that $1 isn't that much, and you can probably figure something out, and if not, it's still pretty.

Be pleasantly surprised that the new battery ($3.15) makes it work perfectly, after a 38 minute struggle to get the back of the watch back on.
Try not to cry when the leather watchband disintegrates as you put on the newly working watch for the first time. Spend two hours looking all over the internet to find a watchband that might work (those pins don't come off). Curse the fact that there are apparently two million watch band designs in the world and none appear to be what you need. Consider how difficult it might be to sew a new leather watchband on your sewing maching. Remember some painful incidents and the frightening size of a leather needle.
Go to the Basement of Crafty Treasures and find the bag of embroidery thread/cotton yarn you bought at the thrift store last year for $2.99. Consider color options, weight of yarn, patience of self. Choose blue to match the pretty blue watch face.
Make two lark's head knots on either side of each pin. Flashback to junior high school friendship bracelets, and begin the magic of modern macrame.
Reuse the hardware from the disintegrated watchband. Realize you are unprepared to end this is a pretty way, and tie a knot and call it good.
Stop knotting before it gets too ridiculous. Tie another knot. Trim threads. Try it on, tuck and criss-cross the ends. It's not perfect, but it's pretty close.

Pat self on back with hand that has pretty new watch attached. Prepare self-aggrandizing blogpost.

The end!


Emily, Scott, and August said...

That looked easier than some of the paths I've tried!

Chris said...

I think it is really pretty but sounds like the experience I had of buying a soap dispenser and having the soap not come out of the plunger, trying numerous other dispensers to make it work and nothing fits. Glad you made lemonade out of lemons. I have yet to do that but then I only paid $1.50 for it.