27 November 2009

So much for which to be thankful.

As promised, photos of candlelight, family, and food.
Candlelight by day....

And Shaun's the same....
Our own children's table....
Emmy and Jetch...

Myra and David, waiting for dessert.

Shaun ate so much he split his pants. On the thigh. Impressive, no?

My dear mother-in-law, Mary....
And the only photo I have of me yesterday, loading the diswasher (of course). Luckily, it's of my good side.
I like the shirt I'm wearing, but I often feel like the St. Pauli girl when I'm wearing it. Looking at the link now, though, I'm not sure why that is....
I hope your holiday was chock-full of people you love, and if not, chock-full of lovely barmaids. May we all find reasons to be thankful every single day.

1 comment:

Crystal Jensen said...

I saw an un-mentioned Labradoodle-like creature in a photo (not Shaun)! It looks like a fun dinner. You had your own kids table! You're truly a grown up, aren't you?