03 May 2008

Now for the darker side

So yesterday's post was all happy shiny parenting/crafty places. Today, a couple from the other direction.

These dolls inspired my own voodoo-esque rag dolls. I gotta take pictures of those. Until then, enjoy these. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mamayaga/sets/72157594564134429/with/2021961111/

Do you think the neighbors would notice if I did this in our yard? http://www.flickr.com/photos/mymsie/sets/1144128/with/2035397558/

I know it's not right. I don't care.


Dave, Jen, Zoe, and Lily said...

So I'm a few posts behind but was reading your poem under Pushing Back the Walls of Ignorance, and it resonated for me, Jennifer the Social Worker, especially after some things I have encountered in my work in the last week or so - you know, the things that make you ask what it would feel like to have a job that sat on your desk when you left and people that didn't show up in your dreams. But I find in the midst of it, I can always find some glimmer that says "oh yeah, this is why I am still here doing this work." Here's to keeping the faith.

Sam Kaiser said...

I'm really quite shocked by now that you haven't painted the house purple by now. I think that and some dolls in the front yard would really *do* something.