23 November 2012

I'm not just a slacker, hey.

So I know I'm slacking here. I know it.

But it's not because I don't love you. And now, believe it or not, after nearly seven years, Google is telling me I've run out of space. Seven years of our life apparently equals 1 Gig of photo storage, which is the exact amount Blogger allows for free. This is a generous amount, and I swear I'm not complaining. I can expand this for $2.49/month, but, you know, part of the charm of this blog has always been that it's free. 

So...I'm working on it. Maybe I'll wander over to WordPress, or some other free blog service. In another seven years, maybe I'll even feel comfortable paying for a blog space of my own. (Oh, Virginia Woolf, how things have changed, and how they've stayed the same...)

I welcome your advice and thoughts, gentle readers. I'll keep you posted. Though without photos, for the time being, I guess. 

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